import { Serie, Options } from '@chartwerk/core'; export type BarSerieParams = { matchedKey: string; colorFormatter: (serie: BarSerie) => string; } export type BarSerie = Serie & Partial; export type BarAdditionalOptions = { renderBarLabels?: boolean; stacked?: boolean; barWidth?: number; // width in x axis unit maxBarWidth?: number; // in px minBarWidth?: number; // in px maxAnnotationSize?: number; // in px TODO: move to annotaions minAnnotationSize?: number; // in px matching?: boolean; opacityFormatter?: (data: RowValues) => number; annotations?: { key: string, // matchedKey from series // TODO: add enum with "triangle" option color: string, }[]; eventsCallbacks?: { contextMenu?: (data: any) => void; } } export type BarOptions = Options & Partial; export type RowValues = { key: number, values: number[], additionalValues: (null | number)[], // values in datapoints third column colors: string[], serieTarget: string[], }