import { BarSerie, BarOptions, ChartwerkBarPod } from '@chartwerk/bar-pod'; import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import _ from 'lodash'; export type ChartwerkBarPodProps = { id?: string; series: BarSerie[]; options?: BarOptions; className?: string; } export function ChartwerkReactBarPod(props: ChartwerkBarPodProps) { const [pod, setPod] = useState(null); const [hack, setHack] = useState(null); const chartRef = useRef(null); const chart = chartRef.current; useEffect(() => { // this function will be called on component unmount return () => { if(pod === null) { return; } // @ts-ignore pod.removeEventListeners(); } }, []); useEffect(() => { if(chart === null) { return; } if(pod === null) { const newPod = new ChartwerkBarPod( // @ts-ignore chart, props.series, props.options, ); setPod(newPod); newPod.render(); } else { // TODO: actually it's wrong logic with updates // because it creates new pod anyway pod.updateData(props.series, props.options); } }, [chart,, props.options]); // TODO: it's a hack to render the BarPod right after the div appears in DOM setTimeout(() => { if(hack === null) { setHack(1); } }, 1); return (
); } export default ChartwerkReactBarPod;