import { PodState } from '@chartwerk/core'; import { DataRow } from './data_processor'; import { BarConfig } from './bar_options'; import { BarOptions, BarSerie, BarPodType, DiscreteConfig } from '../types'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; // It is not a real bar state. Just rewrite some core params. like xScale/yScale // TODO: import core scale and extend it, same to bar_series and bar_options export function setBarScaleX(state: PodState, dataRows: DataRow[], options: BarConfig): void { switch(options.barType) { case BarPodType.DISCRETE: const config: DiscreteConfig = options.dicreteConfig; let discreteStep = 0; if(_.isNumber(config.step)) { discreteStep = config.step; } else { if(!_.isEmpty(dataRows)) { discreteStep = (_.last(dataRows).key - _.first(dataRows).key) / dataRows.length; } } state.xValueRange = [state.xValueRange[0], state.xValueRange[1] + discreteStep]; return; case BarPodType.NON_DISCRETE: if(!_.isEmpty(options.axis.x.range)) { return; } let nonDiscreteStep = 0; if(!_.isEmpty(dataRows)) { nonDiscreteStep = (_.last(dataRows).key - _.first(dataRows).key) / dataRows.length; } state.xValueRange = [state.xValueRange[0], state.xValueRange[1] + nonDiscreteStep]; return; } } export function setBarScaleY(state: PodState, dataRows: DataRow[], options: BarOptions): void { if(!_.isEmpty(options.axis.y.range)) { return; } const maxValue = _.max(, (dataRow: DataRow) => dataRow.maxSumm)); const minValue = _.min(, (dataRow: DataRow) => dataRow.minSubtraction)); state.yValueRange = [minValue, maxValue]; }